Bagno Vignoni, San Quirico, Vitaleta, Pienza and back 

Places of recollection, open countryside in total relax surrounded by silence… But also famous historical buildings with masterpieces of primary importance.

Pienza cradle of the Renaissance designed by Pope Pius II as “ideal city”, with its central Cathedral and the Diocesan Museum with masterpieces by DUCCIO DI BONINSEGNA, PIETRO LORENZETTI, VECCHIETTA, SIGNORELLI. Immediately below the village, there is the ancient Pieve di Corsignano, a splendid example of a Romanesque church with symbols that refer to the esoteric sphere. A few kilometers from, San Quirico with the majestic Collegiate, a connecting artery between Northern Europe and Rome. Finally the very famous privately owned Church of Vitaleta, built to house a statue depicting the Madonna, sculpted by the artist Andrea della Robbia in 1590.

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